Sunday, October 31, 2010

Going Away Testimony

Going Away Party
(Bruce Hains)
Born in 1900, she had her share of hard times.
And at the age of 15, she met the love of her life.
And how she adored Him! Loved Him til her dying day;
So we celebrated when we put her in the grave.

Chorus: We threw a going away party, the event of the year;
The day that she lived for is finally here!
The One that she loves, He wants her by His side,
So strike up the band, it’s party time!

For many years, she served her community well
And, on occasion she’d stumble, but this saint of God never fell
She was in love with Jesus, He always stayed on her mind
And now they’re together, having one heavenly time!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Birthday and a Question and Vacation

I have a question. Someone told me that King James did not translate a few things correctly when he made the King James Version of the Bible from the original Greek & Hebrew. Isn't that scary? I know for a fact that there was no James in Bible times. All the places that James is in the Bible, it should be translated as Yaacov (Jacob). King James wanted his name in the Bible so he put it in. But that is just a mere trivial thing that really doesn't matter! However, some things are more important than that. Some people say the whole divorce and remarriage thing was translated wrong. That is not my interest currently. What I want to know is: Is it true that the part where it says it is a shame for a man to have long hair (doesn't nature itself teach that) is that translated wrong like some people say? First, define "long". Some people say men's hair down to the tops of their shoulders is not considered long but half way down the waist and longer would be considered long. Also, there was the Nazarite law that some people followed and that required men to NEVER cut their hair. It was affirmed by the Lord apparently because he asked Samson to take the Nazarite vowel. So why would God ask men to have short hair and say that even nature itself teaches that it is a shame for them to have long hair and yet affirm the Nazarite law? Or did something change in the New Testament that men were to have short hair after Jesus was on earth? It's not like this is a salvation issue, it's perhaps a bit trivial but I wish to know. I'm fine with thinking that men must have short hair, it looks better on some men that way anyway. But if it's not God that says that, then I want to know! Somebody tell me what they think on that! Oh, and another thing, it seems very wrong to question anything the Bible says because God obviously preserved His WORD for us to read and never let it die out. So wouldn't He make sure that there would be one version on this planet at least that would have everything translated correctly. But then I guess the Greek/Hebrew is the correct....but you know English is widespread so you would think that the first popular translated Bible which is KJV would be correct because God would make sure we have it to study as He wrote it. And, not for five seconds do I question the validity or authority of the Bible. It is the first and final word. I would be the last to argue with it. But I wish I could read the Greek/Hebrew so I would know if King James did make some translation errors.

I had a birthday on Monday the 11th. It was a good birthday. I was at the beach for a few hours and lazing around and reading. We left for a family vacation on the 10th. We stayed at Angola by the Bay in DE, where we always stay when we go. We always drive to Assateague Island to enjoy the beach. Not sure why we like that beach best but we do! We often go in May and then it's so miserably cold and we only last like half an hour of that torturous bitter wind. But this time since it was October, we had beautiful sunny weather and the wind was not annoyingly cold and the water was not as freezing as it is in May. My sis and brother and my sis's bf got wet up to their necks but I only got wet up to my knees. The waves were not big enough to be conducive to good boogie boarding so I was fine just getting a little wet. We did alot of shopping on this vacation. My family loves thrift stores and each year we go down we visit the Salvation Army. Well, this time it was gone! I have no idea if it went up the spout or just merely moved to a new location. We asked somewhere and found out that there are 5 different thrift stores in the area. We got them all! I found alot of cheap goodies, including some children's books and records and Christmas decor and just a bunch of this and that. Oh, and for my birthday we ended the day with a meal from Cracker Barrel. They were slower than molasses in January but once we got the food, it was good! When I asked for loaded potatoes, the waitress looked at me as though I was speaking a foreign language. So I explained in detail what I meant and she stammered around and then said she could do them but it would be 99 cents for each topping (bacon, creamcheese, and cheese). I don't know what the deal was with her, I always get those potatoes at Cracker Barrel, they are the highlight! And good grief, it never costs them half of 99 cents for each of those extra toppings! Duh, I guess they make big money off of those potatoes!

My boss just got a baby grand piano for their son who is in first grade. He will be taking piano lessons starting next week. It has a very beautiful sound! I love it! I love to caress the ivory keys and play a song on it. The kids like when I play it. But they want to play too and I'm trying to teach them that we must all take turns playing, we do NOT play simultaneously! Try playing a beautiful song with little fingers from a 3 year old and a 22 month old banging down here and there! LOL! Doesn't work so well! The "beautiful" adjective is replaced with "discordant"!

Another thing I experienced that it is pretty hard to swallow when you gain ground in teaching a child something in accordance with the Bible and you know they understand and believe it and then someone else that they trust and love more than you tells them the opposite. And, to boot, tells them that I lied about it. That is hard to accept because lying is one of the sins that I hate most! And to be called a liar is once of the worst things someone could call me. I don't lie and even if I do say a "white lie" my conscience will not let me rest til I make it right! The Bible is so strong about offending a little one, that it is better that a millstone is hung about your neck and that you are drowned in the sea than for you to offend a little one. And the Bible speaks of how the angels of children are always beholding the face of Jesus. That's powerful if you think of it. Oh, how dare any of us offend a little one????? When someone teaches a child a lie, I call that offending, I think that is what the Word is talking about and I cringe to think about how many children are being taught lies! God be merciful to those teachers in public schools and to parents that teach children to question the authority of the Bible, etc.! I guess it hurts me most because I love and care and about the child I am referring to and I can't stand that it is being taught a lie. I told the child that it does not have to take the opinion that is handed down but is going to have to decide what to believe on its own. The children of today are tomorrow's church! At the rate of today, of how many are being taught lies and accepting them eventually, how many are going to be true born again Christians in tomorrow's church? God help us!

Well, I am pretty hungry, I made myself write before lunch and now it's 1pm. Past time for lunch so this will have to be all I write. Please if you have any encouragement or opinions on these things I wrote about, feel free to comment or message me on FB or email me.