Sunday, April 3, 2011

Reverends, Porn, Friends, Moving

Interesting title, right? Yeah, I know! But those are the things I'm going to talk about. I don't always have alot to say which is why I didn't update my blog for and embarrassingly long time! Or, more truthful, I'm also too busy and other things take priority over my blog. But right now I have something to say.

Tell me, what is a person to do with a Reverend who doesn't see porn and sex outside of marriage including phone sex as serious sin? I am under the knowledge that a Reverend or any leadership in the church is held accountable to a certain point for the spiritual welfare of the church he is leading; and that if the leadership is involved in sexual sin then that opens the door for those same demons to attack the very church he is leading. So friends, this is SERIOUS business if a church leadership is into that stuff! If I was part of a church and the leadership was into that and they church did not deal with it but just kinda blinked and ignored it then I would leave that church because I am not willing to put my spiritual wellfare at risk! With that being said, here's the deal. I know a Jamaican guy who is a Reverend and he is dating a friend of mine who is also Jamaican. God be praised that they live too far apart to see much of eachother or I would be expecting to hear of a pregnancy any day. Anyway, he is into some of this trash with this girlfriend of mine and when I reprimand him he just passes it off by saying "he who is without sin let him cast the first stone". That is not the point SIR!!!!!!! I am not saying nor am I implying that I am anywhere close to being without sin. We are talking about YOU not me!!!!!! We are addressing that YOU are in sin and YOU need to repent which means you not only need to recognize it as sin and be sorry for it but you gotta turn away from it then!!!! This is an ongoing thing with him and he just acts like it's just a normal everyday sin and no big deal. Yet he likes to spew alot of scripture at me and usually he is right on the mark. But his self-righteousness nauseates me because I know how he openly is involved in this sick stuff. Last night I was a 3 way call with him and his girlfriend and she mentioned that in Sept. when he comes to the area she wants me to take her to see him at the resort he is staying at. I said only if they promise to behave in a manner that would be okay with God. He laughed and said, "you never know what happens behind closed doors". I said "you should never put yourself right in the way of temptation, don't take her behind your closed door!!!!" His response was that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God". I know that, that is not my point!!!!!! He don't get it. All because he doesn't want to get it! THey want me to be the godmother of any children they have if they get married. I said I will but if they conceive a baby out of wedlock they will have to find another godmother because I have warned them so much and they don't take it serious. It's one thing for a couple to mess up like that who is sincere and really trying to follow God. I can give mercy to couples like that but this man who calls himself a reverend and laughs in my face when I try to tell him it's serious sin to God.....well....I don't feel led to give mercy in that situation! Last night this girl told me she watched a porno yesterday and I told her she was sick and she needs to stop doing that and that it is no wonder she has a hard time keeping her mind on all that is pure and lovely and of good report! This Reverent guy, laughed, mind you, laughed right into the phone and asked me why I hate porn so badly. I tried to explain to him that if you watch that stuff which I believe is straight from the pit of hell then you are giving demons of lust legal rights to be in you and you are making it impossible to keep your mind pure. I said those things are only for you to dwell on after you are married and WITH your spouse, not before. And this girl said she heard the couple who lives below her making out. I said, "oh, that's just nasty". Well he wanted to know what is so nasty about sex. Seriously why can't he get what I'm saying? His response to me was "well God is a very sexual being". I can't even vocalize how mad this makes me! I Loathe hypocrisy and I can't stand the thought of this guy being up there preaching in church and knowing all this stuff about him. About 3 weeks ago I wrote a letter to his pastor and alerted them to what is going on and about 2 weeks after I wrote them....I had given up on them answering and thought they were gonna blink about it too....they finally said they will address the issue at once. Well, that was a week ago and the way he talks the either didn't address it yet or he still don't get the point that it's serious sin! I feel like wiping my hands of the matter! His blood is not on me. I believe in Ez. 33 but I did Matt. 18 on him so it is no longer on me if he doesn't listen. But I still can't help being angry about it.

I just made a new friend recently and let's just say this person is a real gem, a diamond in the rough. I am blessed and so thankful to have this new friend. I do hope and pray that our paths are to be crossed for a very long time. Fellowship with other saints is so vital in a Christian's life and I have been so inspired and encouraged with this new friend. There are qualities that I am seeing that are rare in alot of people and it's just one of those times when you realize you caught ahold of something real special and you'd better not let it go!

Moving is only 2 weeks away now, officially! I can't believe it. 2 weeks from now I will be spending my first day in my new house. I am so excited about it. For many reasons. I will miss this house as this was my dream house. I would not change any part of the layout, it was exactly what I had in mind as what I wanted. But change is an adventure and you gotta take the good along with the bad. So even though my new house is not as NEW and there are some negative things about it, it's okay. There are enough new positive things about it that I am sure I will be very happy there. I probably will not write again til I am in my new home and then with all the unpacking and putting away who knows it may be long til I write again. We shall see!