Well, here I am again, can't believe it's Easter already! Time has flown and since I went on my trip to Israel, it seems to fly by even faster! I think Easter is my favorite holiday. I wish we'd make more of a fuss about it. I mean about the real meaning! I think it's just a crying shame that people cover up the real meaning of Easter with all their eggs and bunny things. I wonder who all really knows the true meaning. Not that easter eggs and bunnies are wrong in themselves. It just makes me mad how they distract people from the true meaning of Easter. Why oh, why does Satan have to come along every good thing of God and try to distract/pervert people? He's too dimwitted to come up with his own ideas so he comes along side of God and does his best to mess God's plans up. Well, I have news for him! Here is one girl anyway who did not get distracted and is celebrating Easter for what it really is! He is risen, He is risen indeed!
We had a good Sunday school discussion today on how we know Jesus is risen. We said we know it because He lives in our hearts and we can feel Him there. But the teacher said how would you tell that to a person who has never been born again? They can't feel him. Another lady suggested because the Bible has the entire account. Yeah, but if the person you are telling does not know the Bible, how WOULD you prove to them He's alive?????? We decided faith is the only way, they would have to have faith to believe it. We also said that you know how they tried to say his body might have been stolen? If someone had stolen His body, they would NOT have left any grave clothes there, it would have taken too long to unwrap anything! And we know some grave clothes were left there.
Today was such a delicious day. I love delicious days, they should come around more often! I had a great time relaxing. I finished printing out my Israel pics. Then I did some other odds and ends including planning what I'm gonna make for dinner the next week. It's challenging, trying to pick recipes that have mostly just ingredients we already have! It's fun though to see what I can make out of little! Sharon is away for supper so I have to see what I can make for myself. It's not as fun cooking for myself alone! Probably will be something really easy. Guess there's warmups I can make, it's just that they're ones I'm not very hungry for. I'm trying to imprint this mottoe in my heart: I'm eating to live, not living to eat!
Now I've just gotten up from a nap and I need to sort through my Israel pics and put them all in a religious order! They are not very organized. Then I need to put some labels with them...........hopefully I get this all done. Anyway, I hope all my faithful readers have an AWESOME Easter! He is risen, He is risen indeed!
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