Sunday, May 24, 2009

Decisions, decisions!

Well, here I am again. Life is not very boring, somehow there's always either drama going on or some major decision. I really wish blogs were safe. I've been pretty transparent on some of my blogging but sometimes it freaks me out that someone I really don't want to share/bare my heart to, might stumble upon my blog. So I'm gonna keep being pretty transparent but the big decision I'm facing right now, I will not mention because I could get in serious water if I did. So just pray for me that I make the right choice, that God makes it very clear to me which way to turn. Maybe in a few weeks I'll be able to share what it is. I know what some of you are thinking. Sorry to burst your bubble but it has NOTHING to do with a man! LOL! Admit it, you know you were thinking on the line of boyfriends! But nevertheless, the decision is huge and I'd appreciate prayers!

Last night was a fun night. I had friends over. Sharon Martin came over to scrapbook and for the night and to go to church this morning with me. Sharon Fox was going to be gone for the night but she came home after all. I was still glad Sharon M. was along though. Last night Janice, Susan, Cindy, Deb, Lynell, Sharon M and I were hanging out here at the house. Sharon and Janice and I scrapbooked while the others entertained us with their talk. We went over to my parent's place for icecream then since they had the icecream machine. Lovely summer evening to party.

Then this morning church was great like usual. But better than the last two Sundays. I was more awake, that's why! This time I was awake enough to pay attention. I think it's so cool how the Lord speaks through other people. I was definitely spoken to by the Lord. Some of the things I am facing I could apply from the lesson.

Duane spoke on relationships and taught from Josua 22 and how they confronted the others about the altar. They did it the right way, not pointing judgments but hearing their story and being peaceable about it. Because they handled it the right way, the others were not defensive but admitted they were wrong. So they repented and changed their ways. I have to confront 2 people very soon in the future and I don't want to. But I've been understanding that when you know to do something and you do not do it, it is sin. With knowledge comes responsibility. Sigh! It seems like I really do have that gift, I can see both sides of a story immediately and honestly, I do appreciate the wisdom, but the responsibility scares me. I don't always like seeing into things that others don't see because then I have to risk what others think of me, etc. But Duane said that we need to be willing to risk relationships in order to obey God. So, I guess in this case I am a watchman and I must follow God. Sigh!

This next week looks easier than some. Monday night I plan to go shopping. Hopefully Ollies has a Memorial Day sale. I have to work of course, King's doesn't close for much of anything! If Ollies doesn't have a sale, it's okay because I have a coupon for 15% off my entire purchase. I need a watering can and some groceries for the week. I have to cook this week. Tuesday is shelter, and lovely Wednesday, oh, lovely Wednesday! I shall have a glorious day. I am going to have Merci here and we are gonna have a blast. I'm gonna scrapbook and she's gonna make cards. It's her birthday so we shall celebrate doing what we love to do best. Can't wait! Thursday I am going to take Doris' pictures to hand out to her friends. I look forward to that as well. I do so love photography although I don't know as much about it as I wish I did! Friday is family night as always.

Okay, I don't have really anything else to say. Sorry I'm so boring this time around. Hopefully next time will be better!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Life is Good

Not sure that I have much to say this time around. However, I know I should at least keep up this blog once a week so I guess this time I'll chatter about nothing! I mean, not that I have much to say any other time but I'll warn you, this time it's worse!!!!!!!

The last two weeks I had something planned every single night, all the 7 days. I don't like it one bit when I'm that busy! Yuck! This week, miracle of miracles, I have only 3 out of the 5 weekdays planned so I will feel alot better and be more at peace. I can get pretty uptight under pressure and being too busy is pressure to me. I need to do something I love to do to relax my soul and spirit. And, that something is usually scrapbooking! Oh, how I love to scrapbook. I needed badly to do that today and I chose to sleep two hours this afternoon instead. I needed it worse than I needed to scrapbook. You know it's bad if I don't even check my email first! I slept until Ms. Sharon Fox stomped on the patio outside the house! She has been seeing groundhogs, 3 of them, digging around outside and they were under our deck so she stomped on it to scare the ugly monsters away. I woke up because I heard the thumping and I knew Sharon was even worse for lack of sleep and surely she had to be in bed yet. So I saw her bedroom door was open and then I found her downstairs on the deck! Oh, well, I would have had to get up in 8 more minutes anyway!

We went to the Muddy Run Youth supper and I enjoyed the pulled pork sandwhiches and the soft raspberry/vanilla icecream. Came home early and my sis and her boyfriend came over and now I just got off the phone with a friend, talked for a little over an hour! Very unusual for me! Anyway, I would write more but it's past midnight so goodnight everyone!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Well, today is Mother's Day so I decided to go to my parent's church to surprise my mother. I wasn't excited to do that but I figured I'll do it for her because she is worth that and so much more! I made sure Dad knew but he kept it a secret. My sis HAD to be in Perry county with her boyfriend but the rest of us were together and I know it made Mom happy.

Now this is not a post to drag down, point fingers, or downgrade the church in any way, shape or form. I am proud of having grown up in the Horning church. I learned alot of invaluable things there. It's just that I felt a clear call to move on and today was just a clear confirmation that I did the right thing.

On a happy note first, I still felt the warmth there. No one stared at me even though I was not wearing covering strings. You must understand that I don't believe I have been there for 6 or 7 months! Anyway, I saw a good friend whom I used to be really close to before she got married and I had not seen her since her wedding in December. She was elated to see me and that was fun to see her face light up in true joy at seeing me. Another married friend caught my eye as I went in.

Now for some clarifications....I had forgotten how it is to sit in benches with only one bar across for your back, thus enabling others to be moving their knees and legs around (behind you) and bumping your back/butt each time! Sigh, it's so distracting and aggravating! Not to mention that alot of young girls put their toes on the bench in front of them. I did this still, too, but I made sure it was not against the lap of the person it was beside and if they moved, I moved to make sure they had their space. The aggravating part is that I had the luck, like so often before, to get in front of someone who was not considerate in this way and she did a good job of poking my butt with her dumb shoe and putting it againt my butt/beside it. I wanted so badly to reach back and push her foot off the bench or pinch it! I did move my butt back so it forced her foot off the bench! People are so inconsiderate! GRRR! Also, there is a girl who somehow manages to sit behind me, I mean she used to and she did again this time and she cannot sing on tune for anything. She obviously doesn't know it because she sings loudly. If someone tries to sing suprano and is off tune, it's one thing. But this girl tries to sing alto and I wish she'd give it up. I cannot abide a loud offkey voice right behind my ear. Some girls are followers and can stay on tune with someone to follow so I started blaring alot and believe it or not, she was on tune some of the time after that! I know we are to make a joyful noise unto the Lord but it's hard for me to not let an offkey voice distract me!

So, those are just petty things, not the clarification I got for leaving, just things I don't miss at all!!!!!! Now for the clarification: the sermon. I believe the minister did his God-given best, God bless his heart! He was from New York and I sensed he was sincere. However, nothing has changed since I left. They don't go deep in the verses. I already knew everything they said. I don't mean to be haughty in any way or think that I'm any better or smarter than the ministry, God forbid that attitude! But honestly, why would I stay at a church where I don't get fed at all? I tried to get something out of it but it just seems like they go around in circles and spend time not really saying anything. It's hard to explain but afterward you ask yourself "what did he preach on?" and I don't even know what to say. I was so drowsy and it was a battle to keep awake. I should have taken to writing poetry like I used to do at times but I didn't bother to do that!

So, I am so glad I left, with all due respects. I do feel like I missed out big time on the sermon at Living Waters where I normally attend now. I'll have to ask Sharon what they preached on. Wish I could have been there but I am glad I made Mama happy. I went to their place for lunch and I gave my mother a crossword puzzle and found out what she really wanted was a word search puzzle! I was disappointed but I hope she enjoys this one anyway! I encouraged her to try it.

Well, I guess I'll go write some letters now. Happy Mother's Day to all that are mothers!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I Just Feel Like Something Good is About to Happen!

This song is my heart now for the past week and a half:

I just feel like something good is about to happen,
I just feel like something good is on its way;
He has promised that He'd open all of heaven,
And brother it could happen any day!
When God's people humble themselves and call on Jesus
And they look to heaven expecting as they pray,
I just feel like something good is about to happen,
And brother, this could be that very day!

I have learned in all that happens just to praise Him,
For I know He's working all things for my good;
Every tear I shed is worth all the investment,
For I know He'll see me through, yes, He said He would!
He has promised things that we can hardly fathom,
All the things He has in store for those who pray!
I just feel like something good is about to happen,
And brother, it could be this very day!

I have heard about the bad news in the paper,
And it seems like things are bleaker every day,
Oh, but for this child of God it makes no difference,
Because it's bound to get better either way!
I have never been more thrilled about tomorrow
Sunshine's always bursting through my skies of gray!
I just feel like something good is about to happen,
And brother this could be that very day!

I think this is one of the best songs ever written! I am not in love with the tune or anything by the words...............oh, my goodness! They are my very heart! I especially like the part where is says that every tear is worth the investment and that even though there's all kinds of bad news every day like the economy, for this child of God it makes NO DIFFERENCE! Either way it's better because if it doesn't get better here, we know we're hastening to the "day of the Lord" and I CANNOT WAIT FOR THAT DAY! Imagine how it's gonna be like when He takes His church home! Imagine that chaos that everyone is going to deal with when we leave! I think it'd be enough to make people take their lives! Imagine all the whoops and laughter when we see Jesus. Well maybe we will be speechless like another one of my favorite songs says "Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still". I don't know what I'll do but right now I know I would scream and whoop and holler! And once I got my hands on Him for a big bear hug, He'll have to pry hard to make me let go! I cannot wait! The "something good" that's about to happen just might be His return. I know it's imminent!

Oh, my it's been so very long since I've written. I love keeping this blog but I have such a difficult time deciphering what to do and when. I have so many things to do now with keeping the house nice and the Lord knows I'd be even worse if I had to do it alone! So glad for Sharon to help! Even so, I feel like I am in a prison sometimes. I can't do the gazillion of things I want to do because duty calls first. I cannot, absolutely cannot relax and do fun stuff when I see that there's piles of work to do before my very eyes! Sigh! I guess if I'm ever a mother I would learn to let the work sit sometimes! Now with summer coming on, it's just crazy, having to keep thet flower beds nice and the lawn mowed....... then canning and so on!

This next week I am going away every single night! Bleh! I hate when my schedule is that full! However, at least 2 of the nights will be therapy for me! Monday night I am going over to Steve's to practice some new songs with them and then Thursday night we are doing a program at the old folk's home. That is therapy. I can get lost in the songs but hopefully not that much that I get carried away and forget which verse we are singing! That happened once and I was able to smile about it but I could not stop my face from blushing! Speaking of blushing, that is such an annoying feature that I have! I don't like being out of control but that is something I cannot control and I seem to blush when I'm not even embarrassed. I have worked with Sam for 8 years and we say pretty much what we feel like, when we feel like, how we feel like! Sometimes we get onto dumb subjects and there goes my face again!!!!!!! Grrrrr! And then he laughs like a hyeena because I'm blushing and no matter how adamantly I state that I was not embarrassed, he won't believe me!

I do so love singing! I can't wait for the day that my voice does exactly what I want it to do without me even putting forth much effort! I work so hard to get everything right and perfection is just so far away. But in heaven I will have a new body and it will do way beyond what it does here! I suppose I won't even recognize my voice, it'll be so different! Oh my, what beautiful chords will we hear that do not even exist here on this earth? I believe we will have more than our 5 senses and that the five we already have will be so super sharp. I can't wait til my ears can hear like never before!

Well, I'll close because soon my dear friends The Brills are coming to visit and do a few things for me! Hopefully it won't go so long again til I write in this dear blog!