Sunday, November 22, 2009

2 Weeks Into my New Job

I cannot believe it's been 2 weeks since my new career started! I love it so far! I have not had terrible much time alone, Lorelle has been coaching me most of the time. I had some half days alone though. The time flies when I'm there though. I think it helps that I have to keep a schedule. Everything takes so much time because kids are slow and dawdle around alot and make excuses and run their mouths, etc.! It varies so far as to what time I have to start. Sometimes it's 6:30 and sometimes it's 7:30 and sometimes it's 8. It's always going to be one of those 3. But this week since Heather is going to be home to be available if I need her, I start at 9. Lorelle is completely done now and I'm on my own. It's nice that Heather will be there, probably mostly upstairs in her office but just knowing she is there if I need someone....well.....that's comforting. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I do the laundry. Reece goes to school Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. It's easier when he is in school. But I have done 2 crafts with him so far on the day's he's been home and that goes well. He is a smart 5 year old and catches on fast. He colors very neatly, it amazes me. He could be in 4th grade for the way he colors. He is a totaly genius except for his social skills, they really lack. He gets frustrated when he gets punished or when he is told to do something he doesn't want to and he back talks, etc. He has an odd way of showing affection, as in he comes up and does karate kicks and punches and is FOREVER pretending to shoot me. His dad says they figured out that is his way of showing a display of affection. That will take some getting used to for me, because I do NOT take kindly to those kinds of displays!!!!!! They irritate me greatly! I must remember at all times that he doesn't mean anything bad by it. I see how his 2 year old brother Evan watches and mimics and I just hope and pray that he does not imitate that weirdness! I don't know if I can abide 2 boys coming at me with punches and kicks and machine gun noises and play pistols right in my face! But Reece is very loveable all the times he's not acting like that and we have intelligent conversations, well, intelligent for his age anyway!:) He does lie sometimes and that is gonna be something I hope to work on because lying is one of the sins I hate the worst.

Evan is very loveable and sweet but his downfall is being Mr. Whiny Pants! He does alot of that if he doesn't get his way. But then other times when I tell him something he says, "OKAY" in a precise enunciation! He is so cute.

Lyla is a dolly and she is a content child most of the time. She crawls so fast and it's a challenge to keep after her. Seems I turn my back for literally only 3 seconds and she is completely out of sight that fast. She likes to put small things in her mouth----yikes! I cannot leave her for even 1 second without putting the baby gate at the top of the steps (when I'm cleaning upstairs) because she immediately heads for the steps. How does a baby know exactly what she must NOT do??? GRRRR!

One day when I was cleaning the bathrooms and all 3 boys were playing in the bedroom across from me, she got her finger slammed in the door. And another day I was cleaning upstairs and I had Lyla in the crib. Evan was walking around and I turned around just in time to witness him bite Lyla's finger through the crib rail! What next? Can't I EVER take my eyes off Lyla? Good grief, I would have thought he is old enough not to bite! Argh!

The other day I made cupcakes and Dexter said it smelled like heaven. I know they like baked things and he said they will be delighted if I bake. I love baking, so maybe I'll get to do that some days. I have a feeling it won't be on days that Reece is home and not wash days so that leaves Tuesday only to bake!

This week will be sweet because I have Monday-Wednesday as a 9-5 day and then I get Thursday off of course. Friday I am planning to go Black Friday shopping and then go to work. I hope to be at work by 9AM.

On Monday a good friend is taking me out for dinner. So that will be just relax and not cook. It would be my week to cook. Sharon is gonna be in NY all day so she won't be here to eat anyway. Thurs. I won't have to cook either because it's Thanksgiving and I won't be home!

On Saturday I felt like I got alot done. My car is cleaned, inside and out! Looks so jolly good handsome!:) And I changed my plate to a different one. I got a box of crafts sorted very neatly so that gave me satisfaction. Now I will be able to find things in it once again. I got some shopping done. In the evening I went to Hoss's with Heart to Heart as a farewell for James. Then I went to a candy making party and helped to finish up on that.

Tonight I don't know what all I will do. First I got to get to bed and nap instead of typing on the computer!!!!!! God bless you all with a wonderful week!

Monday, November 9, 2009

A New Path

I can hardly believe that the day is all but here....the day that I have been dreaming of for a whole year! No, it's not the day that Jesus raptures His church! That has been on my mind for many years!!! I'd choose that above all else! No, this is the day I start my dream job, a nanny job! Will I know how to act? Will I know when to be firm and when to let things go? Can I go from a single's life to a "mom" of 3 children without being stressed out? Oh, I won't have a problem loving the kids! You see, I have spent 2 half days already with them and that is definitely not a problem! They are sweet children! I think I shall bond quickly with the 2 youngest. But it's the oldest, the 5 year old, that I hope I can win. I hope I can keep from being irritated at him. He seems to crave attention and he is very intelligent for his age. I hope I can spur him on to learn more and not just get frustrated when he gets smart alecky! I will have to get adjusted to shooting motions and loud "pow! boom!" noises. I really don't like loud noises but boys seem to like them and the 2 half days I was there, the oldest seemed to be all over that! Sigh! I don't like when kids act like they are shooting others either, so I will have to learn to put up with that too, unless I decide that I have the authority to tell them they may not pretend to shoot around me!

My heart's plea to God is that I can impact these little lives for His kingdom. I need to be a consistent godly example, one that they can fully trust, that they can respect and honor. God, help me to do that! With YOUR help I can! I believe that the parents might go to church but I have no idea what their relationship with God is. The fact that they go to church doesn't say a whole lot, only that they might have an interest in God.

I'm really hoping that I can get on a schedule of taking the kids to the library every week or every other. I love books and I like reading to kids so if I can take them weekly and have them pick out some books that'd be swell. It might be interesting to have to keep them together and make sure no books get lost but I think it could be done! Moms do it so I guess I can too! I'm also hoping to do crafts with them. I like crafts alot and I think I could get them excited about crafts. I never had a hard time being a sales lady, in other words I do have the gift of persuasion in some areas and I believe I could get the kids interested whether or not they are already!

Today was a fine and dandy day. I slept in of course. Why not, on my last day before my new job! Last night I got my last pictures put in an album....they'd been out the entire year so far and now my table is finally clean. Looks so nice! Now my printer is finally off the floor and I won't have to bend over to print stuff. My scrapbooking stuff is all tucked away and in it's case under the table. I finished some of my odds and ends that I really wanted to finish before I start work. Now updating my blog is the second to last thing on my list. The next thing I have to do is write letters. I don’t know if that will get done because soon I have to get ready to sing. I’m singing in the quartet tonight, with the Hursts.

Today my sister and mom came over. My sis just got back from Kentucky last night. She was there for 3 months, helping at a home with prison babies and handicapped people. I had not seen her for those 3 months. She stopped in last night a few minutes after midnight so I saw her then but just briefly. So she came over at noon and we had Papa John’s pizza and we had a nice time. She looked at the 4 picture albums I did while she was away and I looked at her pictures from Kentucky. Now I’m feeling sleepy but I must soon eat and get ready to sing. I feel like I’m coming down with a sore throat. It really doesn’t hurt yet but you know how it sometimes just feels like you’re getting something, kinda like a draggy feeling. Yuck! I hope it’s just a notion and doesn’t amount to anything!

Oh, how could I forget that I was at the dentist this morning! I was not in the mood, not that I’m ever in the mood! I was so afraid I’d have a cavity but I prayed and I asked my mentor to pray and thank you Jesus I had no cavities. I have so many fillings in my mouth that I don’t want to think about any more of them!

Well, I guess I won’t write again til I’ve started my new job. I’ll have lots to write about, I suppose!