Monday, May 31, 2010

Beautiful Summer is here

Today is Memorial Day. Ah, beautiful summer! I have no had a Memorial Day off since I was in school, and even then I didn't really have "off" because the school picnic was then. When I worked at King's Impressions and Sylvia's Quilts they always had open and I was stuck there. So LALALALALALALALALA! It's awesome to have like other people! A three day weekend, imagine that! Yummy!

Today was busy though, like my day off always goes. I was shopping for 4 hours......and I wished it would not take so long. It always takes longer than what I plan for it to take. I had to get groceries, there was alot that we were out of. My roommate and I have been so busy that we have not had time to cook meals this past while and I decided to make a bunch of stuff and freeze it. I did some of it yesterday and finished it today. I made meatballs for Golden Meatball casserole, I made BBQ Meatballs, Sloppy Joe meat, Chicken Fettucine Alfredo, Pizza Casserole, and Chickenetti. I was hoping to make some potato dishes but I just could not get around to everything:( Having the meat together will help at least.

Today I also did a pile of dishes and some wash. I has at the Salvation Army and I always wash my things before I wear them so I washed what I bought there. I was also at Bon Ton in the mall and Bath & Body. I had a coupon that if I spend $10 then I can get a $13 item for free! I love their eucalyptus spearmint line of stuff so I got 2 candles (they are normally $19.50 each and I got 2 for $20. Then I got the lotion free. I LOOOOVE that scent. I wouldn't mind if my entire house smelled like that, although I suppose it would not be as special anymore then.

I was pleased with what I found at Salvation Army and Bon Ton. I pretty much found everything I was looking for.

Now tonight I am going to Sharon Martin's house for a cookout. Looking forward to that. After all this work it's good for me to leave the house because I drive myself insane with all the work I do. It's so bad I cannot even sit down to eat, I think that I have to be working while I eat and take bites in between whatever I am working at at the moment. So it is good when I am forced to relax and strengthen relationships instead of being a hermit workaholic!

I wish I could shake off this sore throat. I despise it! I have had it for 5 days now. Sometimes it's so raw that I can barely swallow my saliva. I decided not to go to the doc though because I had this exact same problem last year around this time when my family went to KY. I was certain it was strep, although I had never had strep but it just had to be. However, it was not and they did not have anything to give me to help it go away. Just a waste of money. So now I am not going to waste my money again to be told it's not strep. But boy it hurts and I'm SICK of sore throats!

Last night I was supposed to sing for a widow lady and I was really looking forward to that. However, because of her being so frail, she cannot have anyone around her with colds. And, I might be able to reach the notes but I would have most likely ended up in a coughing fit so I wouldn't have went. Instead I ended up going to a different widow lady with my family and Sharon Martin. Pat James loves to play Rummicube and do we, so we played that. She has the most gorgeous property that her husband built for her when he was living. We sat outside on her deck to play. Then we ordered subs and oh, boy, they were so very good!

I was supposed to have a music lesson today too but I didn't because of Sharon's party. I will have a double one next time. I actually did my music well this time but I will know it extra well for next week now I guess!

Ugh, the house smells like garlic because I am putting garlic in everything I'm making! I do not relish the scent. However, I like the good taste it puts in everything. So I hope the smell soon goes away.

This next week is not as pitifully busy. I have shelter on Tuesday nights, choir on Wednesday night and Thursday night I'm home and Friday night is family night. Saturday is Aunt Pat's sale. I plan to be there all day. That should be interesting.

Well, it was long since I've written.....I'll try not to let it go that long again!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

This morning I had off so I got up at 8AM and got ready for the day and went down for breakfast. I had this feeling I would meet my boss in the elevator. It was a strong feeling. Slightly off because they weren't in the elevator but they were just outside of it, ready to go for breakfast. I went with them even though I had off because it's so boring to eat by yourself anyway. They make very good french bread and I had fresh pineapple and papaya and watermelon. They always have cheese and bologna out and that's very good too. I love their papaya juice. I was drinking that like crazy and then Dexter killed some of my joy of reveling in the fact that I'm being healthy by saying they definitely add sugar to their juices. Sigh:( I probably gained weight on this trip, I don't even want to know:(

After breakfast I went out on the beach and sat on a beach chair that wasn't broken-gotta watch for that because some of the backs are broken and you can only lay down on them- under a manmade thing that resembles a palm tree but has more shade than a palm tree. I lay there and read my Bible for a very long time, sipping a virgin strawberry margarita at the same time. I am currently on a plan to read the Bible in a year (with a chronological Bible) and it ends June 9 and I was trying to finish it on this trip because I wanted to go onto some deeper studies. I always get tired of what I'm doing and need to change it to keep it interesting. A year with the same plan is a long time for me. I have several study work books to work and I need to start floating around with those again. I like the Bible in a year plan because you have to read it every day because if you skip some then you have to read a few a day to catch up. I like to get through the whole Bible. But I don't like how I don't take time to ponder things deeply very often because I have to read pretty much every day. With Study guides/workbooks, I get to dig deep and ponder different things so I'm ready for that again. So I ready my Bible for awhile and got a lady drink waitress to take my picture as I lay on my chair reading and sipping! It is not easy for me to go up to strangers and ask a favor. I really don't like to bug anybody. But I really wanted a picture of me with the Caribbean behind me so I asked a complete stranger sitting on a chair in the sun to oblige me. She was very sweet and did an excellent job of capturing the pose exactly the way I wanted it. I meandered farther away then down the beach and asked another complete stranger to take a picture of me one the rocks and by a palm tree. I stood there awhile til I got up the nerve. Don't know what my problem is, everyone was very nice and quick to jump up and do it. As I had sat reading my Bible I thought about how interesting it is that I could totally block out their loud rock music they were playing over at the pool and concentrate on my Bible. If I don't like music that is playing, I can usually block it out that well that I cannot tell you later if anything at all was playing even. But if you turn on some praise songs or any other songs I like, it is pretty much impossible for me to concentrate on anything at the same time because I have to get involved somehow in the music. I was planning on swimming one last time in the Caribbean but time flew and after all that relaxing under the tree I had to get up to my room and be ready for the children to come take their naps with me.

I was up in my room by 1, I didn't eat lunch because I just wasn't hungry and I hate to eat when I'm not hungry. So I picniked a bunch of pictures as I waited on the children. If only I had known they wouldn't come til 1:45 I would have gone swimming:( I assumed I'd take the children swimming after their naps but........they had been in the water all morning pretty much Heather said so that was the end of that. They slept 2.5 hours for me. I was able to have fun on my computer in the meantime. After they woke up at 4:30pm I let them play a little in my room then took them down near the pool. I did not have their stroller or any sunscreen or the key to their room. By the way, the keys freak me out. They have a little chip in them and you just scan the chip on the door sensor and it lets you in. Makes me think of the mark of the beast. Anyway, so I took them down and we sat under a tree and they played in the sand. I made them stay in the shade. I struck up a conversation with an older couple and found out they are from Summerset County. They were very nice people. If only I'd make more efforts to be outgoing, I'd learn to know more nice people like them. Evan suddenly smelled very rancid so I went to take him to my room to change him. He had diarrhea which explains the rancid smell and guess what, he had gotten it on his shirt and pants:( I had nothing to put on him. I did not know how long it would be til I saw his parents so I decided to go ask for a room key at the front desk. The elevators said they were being serviced ( I actually understood the Spanish writing) and we were on the 5th floor so it was down the steps holding Lyla. Huff! Puff! The lady did not give me a problem like I'm sure they would have back home. She didn't ask questions but nicely gave me an extra key for their room, she didn't even ask me what number my room is. So, up the stairs again.......all of them........this time to the 6th floor. And of course to come down again.........why did the elevators have to be serviced over the time I would have used them the most:( Bad timing!

Just as I came outside I saw my boss waiting.......looking for me. They sat down with me at the tables to help get food for the children, then they were going to leave and go off by themselves. But......the food looked so good that they ended up eating with us!

This is Mexico's Independence day. I thought it might be a huge celebration but I didn't see alot of extra stuff going on here anyway. Who knows what happened in other parts of Mexico. For dinner though they had a very nice way of doing things. They set up nice round tables all by the pool, all around the pool. They had bright tablecloths on, stripes of rainbow colors that are typical of Mexican things. They set up serving tables as a buffet with gobs and I mean gobs of food! The tablecloths on those were white on top with skirting of red, white, green which are the flag colors. They had a few flags stuck around in the flowerbeds. They had loud music playing, maybe their patriotic songs, I don't know because it was in Spanish.

I put the children to sleep in my room. I got tired of singing and they just weren't going to sleep so I put on Little Friend of Garments of Praise (which is on my computer) and they very soon went to sleep. I packed my stuff and then the parents came back to take the children to their room.

The children are really growing on this trip. Lyla started walking on her own while here. I started making up my own words to the tune of "Are you sleeping Brother John" and I'd stop in the middle of they tune and Evan would continue with the correct words but on this trip when I did that he sang the tune and made up his own words and they made sense and were perfectly in rhythm! A water bottle I got out of the fridge made a crackly noise and in her dear little voice with the perfect intonation of a grown up, Lyla asked, "What happened?". She now says, "I want water". The little girl is only 16 months and all these new things happening at once! Evan is acting more grownup and smart like Reece. Yesterday he was trying to get into the stroller (it's a double decker and he sits in the bottom) and he kept falling out as he was trying to get in. It looked so funny so I laughed out loud. He said, "That's not funny!" So I said, "I'm sorry but it's funny on my end!" He said, "Well, it's not funny on MY end!" So grown up, that's the type of comeback Reece would give. I just love watching these children grow up. It's a joy! They're so cute to begin with, and then with their cute little actions I just want to love on em as much as I can. Even though they are so bratty at times............I can't help but forgive them.

Well, I guess this is the last Mexico letter. Tomorrow we leave the resort at 9:15. Dunno when I will get home.

Cancun Mexico, Adventura Mexico

The resort we are in now is an exclusive resort. We had to get escorted in where they opened the gate and it locked behind us. So it's very safe. There's a bunch of personal houses here and then the huge resort. It's wonderful. This place is kid friendly. The Cancun place wasn't really. Tonight it said it was "celebrate kid's day" so they had an outdoor movie right on the beach. We sat on reclining beach chairs (mine was broken so it was very uncomfortable-it was either lay down completely or sit up like a soldier) and the ocean waves were crashing behind us, only several feet away. They had a gigantic white flag that they projected the movie on. It was one you saw already I'm sure: Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs. We ate popcorn and they had fries and roasted marshmallows too, but by the time we got out they had only popcorn left. So anyway, this was an experience I've never had, watching a movie outdoors and then with the awesome ocean right behind me.

I tell you what, this place is unbelievable. Because the resort is all inclusive, you get all your meals here and drinks, already paid for. So I can go up to the counter anytime of day and as often as I wish and ask for any drink that they have, whether it be beer, mixed drinks, sodas, or water!!!!!! I can eat at the buffet as much as I want and it's already paid. My boss acted like this place is considerably cheaper than the Cancun place, and here we have all the food and drink we want already included. There is a fridge in my room with sodas and water and juice and I can just take it. Seems too good to be true. Only thing though is that internet is not free here:( I feel kinda guilty that my boss had to pay for it. I told her she doesn't have to but she did anyway. They are so good to me, I surely feel unworthy of it.

Dexter noticed I'm getting some stares since I'm a Mennonite. I didn't notice. I don't feel like I stick out like I used to. But I do stick out because I have the veiling. He said they probably never see Mennonites here. Mennonites go to Cancun alot but probably not Adventura. I guess I don't mind stares to the point that I don't even notice them anymore because I am very happy with who I am in Christ and very confident that I am where He wants me to be so I really couldn't care less if I look like a stranger and pilgrim. Funny how the fear of man is dissapating. I know I have a long ways to go but I am improving at least! At one time I would never have been comfortable here!

The pool here is awesome! The bar is right against the pool so all you have to do is get out and walk about 1yard to the bar and you can get martinis, pina coladas, daquiris, beer, whatever you want (all for free) and enjoy it while in the pool! Even the kids were drinking in the pool! There is a ledge to set your drinks on and seats submerged in the water so you can sit in the water and drink at the "table" if you wish! I had a virgin pina colada. Another experience I never had before, drinking in a pool!

I hope to watch the kids for a half day on this vacation so my boss can go snorkeling together. I wish they'd go off by themselves more. I feel uncomfortable when we're all together and they both have a kid in their hand because I was brought along to help, not to just enjoy myself. I know they want me to enjoy myself and have some alone time and I appreciate it, but I can't fully enjoy it just knowing that I came here for them, not for me! Know what I mean? But I guess if God gives me good things through them then I should enjoy it and not feel guilty, eh?

I do hope I get to witness to someone or touch someone while I'm here. Lord knows I'm willing, I told Him so. I am trying to be alert, it's kinda hard when you're being alert to watching the kids! Evan runs off like you wouldn't believe, the little rascal. I could get dizzy just running after him. Because his acting like this makes my boss nervous to let me with both because she'd feel bad if she was off having fun and something happened to one of them. Then I in turn feel bad because I don't enjoy being thought of as "incapable"! But this is a strange place and alot of people and if a kid disappears.........LORD help! It will make me nervous, I'll admit! But I want to do it and I believe God will help me keep them together and safe. But anyway, I hope that someone at least sees the reflection of Jesus on my face.
Today we went swimming in the morning. I just don't know how I will stand PA pools again. This water here is how it should be, like bath water. Even at night when the sun goes down you can swim and it's bath water temp. I love it! It doesn't take me nearly so long to get wet as it does in PA water! After swimming we went to some Mayan ruins. They explained how the Mayan calendar was how it will end in 2012. He talked about a movie called boss had already seen it. She said it was a very disturbing movie but a very good one and that I should see it. On the kids who were to be royalty, when they were babies they put some kind of board crown around their heads as babies so that their brain would grow up instead of make their head bigger in diameter! Interesting, huh?! That way it was kind of a rounded point head, the kind that wear crowns, not hold baskets & buckets, etc. Was very interesting. We saw down over a cliff, the Caribbean Sea, which is what we've been swimming in. There was a way to get down and some folks were swimming in it. I just took pics so we could move on. There were a few shops in the beginning where we started out so we got back in time to shop a tiny bit before the van came to pick us up. I bought 2 Mayan dresses, a black one and an aqua one. I wanted so badly to get a white one but I already bought a beautiful cream skirt and the aqua was a most gorgeous shade. These are the guys you haggle with. I wish I had had more time. I love haggling!:) I know that sounds Mennonite but I'm being honest!:) I saw a bunch of guys dressed up as warrior Indians/Mayans, with lots of paint on their bodies. I innocently went toward them taking a pic and they came up to me and wanted to take their pic with me. My boss informed me that they'll charge to do that. It was only $5 so I let them. So now I have 2 good pics of me among some VERY wild looking men! Kinda fun anyway!

Then we got back and my boss and I went swimming in the ocean. Dexter stayed in the room with the children and Heather and I had a good time together. The different restaurants here are all inclusive so no matter where you go and what you order, there's no charge. So we found a fancy restaurant, it's amazing children were allowed because there's a dress code for grownups, men have to wear long pants and ladies be dressed up.....dresses I think. There were very fancy tablecloths, a double one in fact with the solid off setting the print, and wine goblets and water goblets and waiters in vests and anyway, just very ritzy. We barely sat down and the children started acting up. So Dexter took Lyla outside. He was out pretty much and when he came in she acted up and then Evan acted up and soon Dexter was out there with both. I would have gladly went out instead, after all, I am the nanny. But this trip was a big bonding thing for the kids with their parents and it would have made a bigger scene if I had insisted on taking them out. Evan is a wild cat, totally out of control, more and more like his brother Reece. He will not listen for anything at all (when I ask him) on this trip. For the first time in his life he has all kinds of one-on-one time with Daddy since Reece didn't come along. He has him all to himself, it's as though he's the big brother now and he gets all the privileges. And Daddy's here all day instead of evening! So he really bonded with Daddy and I am dung to him if Daddy's around. He will NOT hold my hand, but go flying the opposite way! GRRRRR! So frustrating. Little brat!:( how can I help if he does that and makes a HUGE scene if I try to get him so his parents can have a break?????? Lyla bonded with Mommy, like really tight even to the point Daddy isn't good enough. Usually Daddy was the daytime fav and Mommy the night time fav. But now it's Mommy forever!!!!!!!!! So how can I help? I can't, unless the parents are out of their sight. Not at all what I planned, anyway.

So, now I should get to bed. Lyla is sleeping in my bed already. Dexter and Heather are going snorkeling tomorrow by themselves so I will be dressing the children and taking them for breakfast and swimming with them and playing in the sand and maybe go on a walk, whatever I can get done before their parents get back. Then I will have the other half of the day free. I plan to go swimming in the ocean and also in the pool that's not for the kiddies and maybe sit out under the trees by the beach on a reclining beach chair and sip drinks and read. I'm gonna milk the day for all its worth anyway! Carpe Diem!

Today I had the children by myself from 8AM til 3pm. Heather and Dexter went snorkeling. They said later that it was very much fun and they really felt it was worth their money. The Mexicans are very laid back and Mexican time seems to be 30 min. behind schedule at times. They have their siestas from 1-3 every day. They actually leave work and go home and rest/sleep for 2 hours. What is wrong with Americans, why can't we adapt to that! I'm all over that!!!!! LOL! But they have it so hot that it's no wonder they do that. No wonder they are so healthy, they let their food digest. They serve smaller portions than Americans do. I like their way of doing things when it comes to that. Is it any wonder you don't see many fat Mexicans? So anyway, back to their snorkeling.....they went to a lagoon and they also snorkeled in a cave with stalagmites and stalactites. There weren't anything but plain fish in there but they saw lots of beautiful fish and other life outside of the cave. I just don't know if I could do that. I think maybe I could snorkel but I don't believe I'll ever agree to scuba diving.

So while they were snorkeling....I had the children. They had room service breakfast the parents had gotten for them that I helped them finish eating. I was going to order room service for myself then chickened out because I didn't know what all is available to order so I went to one of the restaurants. It's an adventure trying to push two children in a stroller and order an omelet and try to carry back a plate full of food and a cup of juice all at the same time! I made it. Then as I sank into my chair to eat, Evan insisted he was hungry and wanted food. After that long procedure it took to get mine, even though I wanted all of mine I gave some to him. I wasn't interested it getting up again. They have different fruit juices here and I like to try them all and the one I got this morning I did not read the label til I already had my juice. It was watermelon juice. Now I love watermelon but the juice by itself is not something I like and I would have never gotten it if I had read the label. I know I'm finicky:( What's the dif between just the juice and watermelon itself. I dunno but that's just me. I was extremely impressed when on my way out a boy (probably between 11-14) looked behind him and held the door open for me to exit. I was a piece away so he had to wait. There was steps and there was no way I could have held the door open and maneuvered the stroller out at the same time. God bless him! His mother must have taught him well.

After eating, we went to the pool. I had a little talk with Evan before he got in. I explained to him how very important it is that he doesn't run away or do things where I can't see him. He was a very subdued little boy and very obedient. Lyla was good too. She even got brave enough to walk around in the pool. This little girl only started walking by herself on this trip and I was proud of her that she was daring enough to walk around in the kiddie pool. We were out for 3 hours. Then I realized it was 1pm and time for lunch. Lyla fell asleep in the stroller
while I waited for the hamburgers to be fresh off the grill. So Evan and I ate and we went up to the room for a nap. I had to sing quite a bit for Evan to go to sleep and Lyla didn't sleep long but woke up and it took forever to get her back to sleep. I actually ran out of the usual songs and had to sing some of them 3 times til they slept! They were only wearing diapers because the cleaning ladies were in the parent's room when I was ready to bathe and change them out of their swimmers. So I bathed them in my room and put them in my bed under the covers.

After the parents came back I went outside and swam in the pool for a long time. There was some dancing going on on the one side so I watched that for awhile. It wasn't disgusting dances for seducing but just a fun water dance. Then swam in the Caribbean Sea for awhile. It was very clear today. When we first got here the wind was so boisterous, hence the smashing waves and cloudy frothy water. But today it was clear and I could avoid stepping on the patches of squishy seaweed. I'm always afraid I'll step on something that will bite or sting. After that I went to the steamy hot tub. It felt delicious! Then back into the pool. I liked how the waiter/waitress come around and ask if you want anything to drink, you don't even have to get up and get it yourself. And they're always coming around collecting the cups that are lying around the edge of the pool. Juices are so refreshing when you're in the hot sun! Next I washed my hair and the plan was to go sit under a palm tree near the beach and let it dry and read my Bible and some other books I had along. But my pride wouldn't let me:( I didn't want to get sandy since I had just bathed and I had a clip in my hair that looks really silly and I didn't feel like being seen looking like a freak! So I sat on my balcony for awhile then in my room and put my pics on the computer awhile.

One of my friends mentioned that I didn't say anything about food yet. Tonight we ate at still a different restaurant. El Ranchero was the name I think. I had a chicken fajitah with black beans. I also had salad with chicken and onions in it and then a chocolate cake for dessert. It was very good. A few days ago I had the same thing for dinner. Last night we ate at an Italian/Mediterranean restaurant. I had chicken alfredo. Minestrone soup for the appetizer and chocolate dessert for dessert. They do not make the alfredo with chicken but I asked of they could put some in for me. Was so very good. Not quite like Olive Garden but very good in its own way. Their breakfasts here are good. I always go to the buffet, it's like a mini shady maple. I can get omelets made or there's a whole slew of food to pick from. Even plantains in a syrup! There's fresh fruit here, I'm loving that! Fresh papaya is really special because I don't get that back home! I remembered how to say "Please no Picante" in Spanish but haven't had to say it yet because I haven't seen that they put it in anything that we've eaten so far. I've learned that french bread is coated in sugar. It seems to be a thick toasted bread coated in maybe butter and brown sugar and then you put syrup on it. At home we just mix milk and egg and bake it and put syrup on. This way that they make it is better, and by far the more calories so I'm not going to adopt their way on that if I can help it!

Tomorrow is Cinco de Maya and that is their Independence day. So we'll see if they do any celebration. People have been telling us that's a big day for the Mexicans so I bet we'll see something. Tonight they had a big show that we missed because we were eating. It was something with fire batons and a bunch of tribal drums. We could hear the drums in the restaurant and as I peered out and saw some tribal headdress.....I wondered if there was evil in their celebration or just remembrance of how they used to dress. I guess I know the Indian culture has alot of bad spirits/demons connected with rituals, etc. they used to do so I never trust Indian things very well. I'm sitting on the balcony as I write this and seeing a few stars.....I wonder if I can find the Big Dipper.......gonna look for it when I'm done typing.

Tomorrow I get the morning off. It's Dexter's birthday and he's going to the spa to get a facial. Then I'm on duty from lunch on I think. There's a pool area for just adults that I know they want to go to, as well as a restaurant.