Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fellowship with the Saints

Today was truly a day of fellowshipping with the saints. How I LOVE Sundays. I love the refreshment that it brings. God is awesome, He knew what he was doing when He gave us a day of rest. We had a wonderful sermon this morning. It was on the return of Christ. I wonder where he stands on the whole Rapture/Tribulation thing. I wish our Mennonite preachers would preach on it. But there are so many varying opinions out there and I know they are afraid of causing conflicts so they seem to just totally avoid talk of it. But it is in the Bible and God put it there because obviously He wanted us to study it. I wish they would at least present the different ideas and then let us figure out what we want to believe. But, that's just my opinion. Thank God for folks who are firm on what they believe and can teach others. I am obliged to the one who taught me, a pastor from Calvary Chapel. I am not ashamed or afraid to talk about it to those who want to know and are not out for the arguement. I do have some friends who are strict believers on the church going through tribulation and they always argue with me so I learned to be silent and let it ride. God never meant for us to argue about it. It is not a salvation issue so it's okay to disagree on it. Anyway, that was a long bunny trail! We heard about the Lord's imminent return from 2Peter and it made me think of the song, "If Jesus Came to your house, what would you do?" I love that song. I love how my whole life is permeated with music. I wonder how many songs I think about in a day's time! It seems like so many things or circumstances or stuff people say remind me of a song. If you never heard the song, you really need to hear that one!

So, that fellowship was great, but only the begining. I had a lunch invitation and I went to Rhonda and Steve and stayed til 3pm. We had some good talks and we sang a little. She had all the Sunday china laid out and even cloth napkins. It was beautiful. They are such an inspiring couple, I love em to death!

Then, I came home and rested for an hour and put my food in the oven and it was a mad house for the next 2 hours. I got all my food made in time though. Then, some more of my favorite people came for dinner. Todd and Merci and their boys came and we had a very lovely time. It was short but sweet. We had a good time talking and then we had a good worship time. Todd played the piano and Merci the guitar and I sang, as that is the only instrument that I can operate very well!!!!!! The boys are such gentlemen. I don't think I behaved that good when I was their age. I hated going to other people's houses who didn't have kids my age to play with. I would whine and snivel and complain up a storm. But these boys were just so grown-up and made the best of it. I hope if I ever have children that I can instill such manners in them too. You know, I really have grown to dislike how time literally flies when I don't want it to. It is a huge pet peeve of mine. How dare it do that to me??? How I would replay this delicious day over and over if I could. And, in a few weeks I will be going to Israel, and I know time will fly when I'm there as well. Sigh, I guess I'll have to pick that bone with God! I guess I had better hike my lazy self off to bed because Monday will be here before I.......oh, shoot, it's here already? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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